The One-Stop Shop for All Your Recipe Needs
Sharing Only My Best Recipes
Hey! Nice to Meet You!
I’m Lasha: My recipes are easy to follow made using easy available ingredients and I can assure you that my recipes will take you on a gastronomical joyride. Following my recipes is subject to your own risk of getting addicted to the fusion of flavours, please try all recipes carefully.
All my recipes are vegetarian and baking recipes are eggless. I am happy to help you with your baking related queries.
Every recipe has an interesting prelude story attached to it. It gives you a glimpse into how I came up with the recipe and why is it here on my blog. These stories are strictly for entertainment purposes only and the characters in the stories do not bear any resemblance to any other person other than my family and friends. Writing these stories has also helped me explore the writer in me.

Happy reading and cooking people!